Friday, May 25, 2012

Chicken mini pies recipe + the winner of our giveaway

What a cold rainy wet day here in Melbourne today, the perfect day for staying indoors and doing some cooking! We road-tested this chicken pie recipe a couple weeks ago, and made some more yesterday - they are a big hit with the men of the house - and piping hot, perfect for the wintery weather. Recipe is below - it is a tweaked version from Donna Hay - love her style and no-fuss approach to delish easy recipes!!

We also selected a random winner of the beautiful Peggy Porschen book earlier in the week (for those of you that didn't see on facebook!) - the lucky Letitia from South Australia will soon receive the gorgeous book in the post - congrats! Thanks to all of you that took the time to enter.

Chicken mini pies (inspired by Donna Hay's version)
2-3 cups shredded cold cooked chicken (we cook a big roast chook and use the leftover meat!)
150ml sour cream
1 cup grated tasty cheese
4 sheets thawed store-bought puff pastry
1 egg
This is where we get creative with what's in the fridge: you can add peas, mushrooms, onion, leek, carrot, zucchini, pumpkin - just pre-cook, roast or fry off (except the peas you can chuck them in frozen)
salt & pepper
fresh herbs - basil or parsley work well, or we love dried taragon! such a good combo with chicken
Put the shredded chicken into a big bowl and mix through sour cream, cheese, salt & pepper to taste, herbs and whatever veg you like (you could add pieces of ham or bacon instead). Cut the sheets of pastry into quarters, add a heaped tablespoon of chicken filling to the centre of each square (once you make one parcel you will be able to judge how much filling you need). Brush the edges of each square with beaten egg, and bring the corners together in the middle, pinching the pastry sealed as you go to form little square parcels. Place on a baking dish lined with baking paper, and brush with egg to create a nice golden glow in the oven. Bake at 190°C for 25-30 minutes or until the pastry is beautifully golden and crispy. Yum!

Happy Friday!

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~ Janelle & Samone xo