Monday, January 16, 2012

Recent work and some Cake Ink. news!

We've neglected our blog a little lately as we've been super busy, but we're back and ready to start the New Year with the promise of some exciting new projects!

Firstly, we'd love to introduce you to the newest (& cutest) member of the Cake Ink. family; Samone's little boy Lewis!

Lewis was born on November 24th 2011, and was a teeny 6 pound 5, but is growing super fast! We can't wait to teach him to bake cupcakes haha!! but we are enjoying his baby sweetness for now, and he is keeping Samone super busy!

We're also busily working on the details for Janelle's destination wedding later in the year so we'll be sure to share the progress along the way!

In the meantime, some recent Cake Ink. projects:

Chloe's 1st 'ladybird' birthday

A beautiful vintage inspired wedding cake**

Classic rose and lace wedding cake

A bow-tie christening cake

A fun engagement cake

Gorgeous custom wedding and engagement stationery

 **Images from Milk Photography, all other images by Cake Ink.


1 comment:

thank you so much for your lovely comments!! we really appreciate them! :)
~ Janelle & Samone xo