Monday, October 10, 2011

Wedding Nouveau sneak speak


We are super excited to share with you a sneak peak of the upcoming Fall edition of Wedding Nouveau, a really lovely digital mag that is "the premiere style guide for intercultural brides and multi-ethnic weddings". Their strapline is 'Dream in Culture' which we think sits with the Cake Ink. branding quite nicely, so when we were offered the chance to submit some pics for a dessert buffet feature we jumped at the chance! We collaborated with the amazingly talented Melbourne-based photographer, Stewart Leishman, whose work is impeccable - he has such a great eye for capturing spirit and character and his images tell amazing stories!

You will have to wait until 'The Playhouse Issue' launches on October 13th (US time) to see our feature but here is a little taste! :)

We are also lucky enough to be able to give away a digital copy of Wedding Nouveau to one of our readers (thanks Fri!). All you need to do is subscribe to the Wedding Nouveau newsletter (you can do that here), OR become a 'liker' on their facebook page, then just leave a comment here to let us know you've done so, then consider yourself entered - easy! The competition is open to all our readers, and runs from October 10-16, with the winner announced on October 18th. Good luck!

Have a lovely week, and we will share more with you soon...

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thank you so much for your lovely comments!! we really appreciate them! :)
~ Janelle & Samone xo