Monday, October 25, 2010

Isabel the Pirate Princess!

What an awesome theme we got to work on this week! The adorable Isabel turned three and her Mum Meegan (of Madame Bonbon) ordered the party stationery and matching cake, cookies and cupcakes for her Pirate Princess party! We styled up a mini-table of all the goodies before we delivered them to show you the details...

X marks the spot, so follow the cupcake treasure trail over to Cake Island, where you'll find Pirate Princess Isabel!

Once there, don't forget to throw out your anchor before you stop for a well deserved drink!

Following a long and adventurous day, grab a goodie bag and fill with treats for your travels back home.

For more pics check out our gallery page, and we will be adding the Pirate Princess invite plus a couple of goodies for your party to our etsy store soon, plus a version for your little Pirate Prince!! Shiver me timbers! 

Happy Birthday Isabel, we hope you had a great day and thanks for letting us share the fun! x

Cake, cupcakes and cookies by Cake Ink.
Stationery by Cake Ink.
Stripey drinking straws by the lovely Mon Tresor


  1. I am in love with the colour combos in this set - Perfect!!

  2. This is such a lovely theme. The execution of course is brilliant as always. What a team! x

  3. I love this theme! It's great to see it get a girly twist :)

  4. where can i get the pirate girl cake topper?


thank you so much for your lovely comments!! we really appreciate them! :)
~ Janelle & Samone xo